Graduate Programs

Home » Hooding Ceremony


Graduate Hooding Ceremony

Western Oregon University | Location: New PE Gym

Friday, June 13th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Graduate students are eligible if they graduated in Summer ’24, Fall ’24, Winter ’25, or are pending graduation in Spring ’25, Summer ’25 or Fall ’25.
  • You must apply for graduation before March 21st (spring completers) in order to be considered for participation.
    • Pending Summer or Fall 2025 graduates must apply for fall graduation no later than March 31st in order to be included in these ceremonies.

How to Sign-Up for Hooding Ceremony:

  • Starting April 15th
  • Use the link provided in the email sent out from Graduate Programs labeled “Hooding Ceremony Sign-Up.”
  • The email is automatically generated and sent when you are eligible to attend.
  • Answer ‘yes’ to “Do you plan to participate in the Ceremony?” and complete the remainder of the form.
    • Sign-up no later than June 1st!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to attend commencement on June 14th, you must complete their RSVP process. The Graduate Hooding Ceremony is a separate event. Students will not receive diplomas and/or covers at the Hooding Ceremony held on June 13th.

    Hooding Ceremony Details

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    Sign-up to attend the hooding ceremony. Reservations open on April 15th and are due no later than June 1st. You will receive an email from Amber Deets to reserve your spot. Don’t delay! Need any special accommodations to participate? Just let us know as part of your reservation. This is a different sign-up than participation in commencement.

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    Arrive on June 13th no later than 5:00 p.m. in your gown. (Do not put on your hood as it will be done during the ceremony.) Go to New PE to check in and complete your card. Hang on to your card!

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    We ask that only graduates arrive at 5:00 p.m. Guests can be seated starting at 5:30 p.m. Your guests will find seats in the bleachers of NPE.

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    Students will be called up by program and each name will be read as they are individually hooded by their Program Coordinator. 

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    At 6:00 pm the hooding ceremony begins. There will be a brief speech by Graduate Studies after which the ceremony will begin. Then you make your way across the stage and hand your card to the reader who reads your name aloud while your Program Coordinator places your hood on you. Return to your seats after your program has completed its process.

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    Proceed to the hallway to celebrate with your faculty and friends! This is a special time for you and your loved ones to spend time with the faculty that you have built relationships with in your time at WOU. We will have several photo booth options.

    Contact us

    Graduate Programs  |  |  503-838-8492  |  Location: Administration Building

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